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Top 10 Countries that Consider India as Their Enemy: Insights and Analysis

Sri Lanka: A Disputed Territory

Friends, there is a very small island of only 1.15 square kilometers in the middle of the sea between India and Sri Lanka. The name of this island is Kacha Thiev. Which is very important for the fishermen because the fishermen use this island to gut the fishes and dry them but this island is a disputed territory between India and Sri Lanka. In 1974, the Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi made this island a Under the agreement, it was handed over to Sri Lanka due to which Indian fishermen could not do fishing there. The killing of Indian fishermen and others by the Sri Lankan Navy is an old issue between the two countries. A total of 284 Indian fishermen were arrested in the year 2019 and 2020. A total of 53 Indian boats were seized by the Sri Lankan authorities due to which the relations between the two countries are not good and the people of Sri Lanka do not like the people of the Tamil state of India because they say that Sri Lanka which is not progressing. The biggest reason for that is the Tamil people who have come from India and live in Sri Lanka. Due to this thinking, Tamil people have been attacked many times in Sri Lanka, due to which the Tamil people also remain angry against Sri Lanka. This is the reason why the relations between Sri Lanka and India have deteriorated so much due to which Sri Lanka is only causing harm to itself because India is a country which stands at the forefront to help every country in times of trouble. Now in such a situation, its own It is not a good thing to mess with the neighboring country.

Bangladesh: Historical Ties and Present Strains

Number nine is Bangladesh, another neighboring country of ours which was once a part of India. Friends, this country has always given the same statement that India has never helped them in their progress. And he says that if India had helped them even a little, Bangladesh would have progressed even faster and due to this thinking, the relations between Bangladesh and India are not so good but perhaps the people of Bangladesh have forgotten that there was a time when There was also a time when India had to turn against Pakistan to give rights and freedom to this country. India had played a big role in making them Bangladesh from East Pakistan, but somewhere this country believes that India had slowed down the pace of their development. There has been a lot of discussion between India and Bangladesh against the Citizenship Amendment Act from time to time. Due to this, the population of Bangladeshis who hate India has increased in recent years. Being a Muslim nation, here too People consider themselves a pro Pakistani and they are unhappy with the Indian policies and that is why even if India helps them, they will still feel that there is something wrong due to which they will only harm themselves.

South Korea: Struggles with Racism

Number eight South Korea Those Koreans After seeing this maybe their perspective will also change because friends, seven out of every 10 people going to Korea face racism and you will be surprised to know that this happens most to Indians. Boards put up outside shops and clubs. Indians are not allowed. There are two big reasons for this and after listening to them you will say that how poor can be the thinking of people with 98% literacy rate. Firstly, the unrealistic beauty standards where parents in India expect their children to look good after graduation. While giving gifts, Korean parents gift funds to their children for plastic surgery. Yes, two friends, you heard it right. Koreans’ obsession with white skin and perfect body is so much that you will even get a job there because of these beauty standards. And the second big reason is that they consider Indian people very dirty because many Indians in Korea work in sectors like waste disposal meat transportation, so seeing all this, the mentality of Koreans has become such that they think Indians are here. They come only to do small jobs and are also dirty in appearance. Now in such a situation, do you think that India will ever help South Korea? Absolutely not.

Canada: Complex Diplomatic Strains

Number seven Canada. Recently, the Canadian government has arrested a prominent Sikh on Canadian soil. A senior Indian diplomat was expelled from the country alleging India’s role in the assassination of leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar. In response, India issued a statement denying any development in the case and it also expelled a senior Canadian diplomat. Due to which the relations between India and Canada have become very complicated but if these do not improve then Canada is going to suffer a huge loss because Canada hosts one of the largest Indian expatriate population in the world. 16 lakh people of Indian origin live in Canada. They account for more than 3% of the total population of Canada and out of these, 7 lakh are NRIs. Indians contribute Rs 3 lakh crore to the Canadian economy every year, which is worth seeing. That the Canadians have shot themselves in the foot.

China: Economic Rivalry and Political Tension

Number six China friends, who does not know about the

relationship between China and India, although everyone knows that there is not a very good relationship between China and India and when you look at it, it is always It remains against India, although it has progressed a lot in the last 10-15 years, but it has equally troubled the world, like take the corona virus which shook the entire world and the progress that we have praised. They also have a different way of doing it like making and selling fake things and you will be surprised to know that in China you have not made YouTube’s so that whatever profit they make is their own, so it is better to give it to some other country. How can we see our neighboring country India progressing and that too because China supports Pakistan on everything and apart from Pakistan, China is the only country with whom we have had a war, even though China is our friend. He is pretending to be a good person but his real intentions are something else due to which in today’s time China is more dangerous for India than Pakistan.

Pakistan: A Longstanding Rivalry

Number five is Pakistan. Who does not know about the enmity between India and Pakistan? This war, friends, has been going on ever since the British created a new country like Pakistan because they separated a large part of India and created Pakistan. Pakistan, which had been defeated by us in the wars of 1948, 1965, 1971 and 1999, is engaged in daily firing on the border and It is trying to cause maximum harm to India through the supply of terrorists. In simple words, it is impossible to find any other country in this world with such a strong enemy as these two neighboring countries. Now in this situation, China is Pakistan, which is growing on the pieces of Pakistan, forgets that India can also help it, but due to its such actions, today it is drowned in debt from all sides.

Turkey: Historical Tensions and Modern Disputes

Number four, Turkey, friends, if we talk about this country, then it is one of many Years ago, it was a super country and is trying to prove its supremacy over the Arab countries. Turkey still considers itself the Caliph of the Islamic country, due to which it considers all the Islamic countries as its brothers and India as its enemy, whose status has lasted for many decades. But in today’s time this country is nothing special. This country, which studies in both the continents of Asia and Europe, does not like India much. This is being said because they believe that India is not a better country but Turkey’s youth. The generation likes India a lot but due to the history of both Turkey and India, the differences between the two countries have increased to a great extent because after 1965, there were many such occasions when Turkey voted in favor of Pakistan against India but India again. India has been ignoring it since then and not only this, when Article 370 was removed from Kashmir in India, Turkey was openly seen in opposition to India.

North Korea: Isolation and Nuclear Concerns

Number three North Korea, friends, North Korea is a country which has nothing to do with the outside world, so you Everyone knows that the President Kim Jun is so strict that such rules have been made there which you cannot even imagine. However, in the past years, India had accused North Korea of selling nuclear technology to Pakistan. North Korea has also been worried about the fact that India is increasing its proximity to its rival South Korea. India is in a strange situation regarding North Korea, neither openly considering it an enemy nor a friend. The American government is bent on settling Kim Jung. That India should become America’s partner in the fight against North Korea, now if India supports it, then North Korea will not be anywhere.

Maldives: Friendship Under Strain

Friends, recently on January 4, 2024, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on his social media account. Share the photos of your Lakshmideep vacation but you will be surprised to know that these three ministers sitting in the government of Maldives, Maryam Shivana Mal Sharif and Abdullah Mazum Majeed, react in such a way that the years old friendship between Maldives and India is today. It seems to be ending, in a few days the situation worsens so much that the trend of Boycott Maldives starts trending on social media. The comments made by Manav on India and the Prime Minister of India seem to have been made due to insecurity because She believed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intention was to bring Lakshmideep and Maldives to shame. Many personal attacks were also made in her comment. Maryam even called the Prime Minister a puppet of Israel and said that this photo of Lakshmideep was to challenge Mal Thieves. But when the people of India took this matter seriously, they said that they were canceling their flights and hotels in Maldives and when the Maldives government understood their seriousness, they suspended their three ministers. Seeing this, if you are still making the mistake of considering Maldives as a friend of India, then you are absolutely wrong. Such thinking of the people of Maldives has pushed their own country into the pit because most of the tourists from India used to go to Maldives.

Malaysia: Economic Partner turned Adversary

Number one Malaysia: The question you all would be asking is why Malaysia is a part of this list. Malaysia is a progressive country in South East Asia. This country has given great importance to development since the beginning but for the last 810 years, religious fanaticism is seen here which The reason is that now this country has openly come in support of countries like Pakistan, India which supported its neighboring country Malaysia more than Indonesia in trade matters, today Malaysia has become the enemy of the same India. Despite there being an Extra Treaty between India and Malaysia, India By not accepting the credit of Zakir Nayak who was declared wanted by Malaysia and by supporting Pakistan on Kashmir issue, Malaysia has told India that even though it is earning money from us, it will always support Pakistan. Now it remains to be seen. How far will the enmity started by Malaysia go in the future?

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