India's Geopolitical Challenges:

India’s Geopolitical Challenges: Analyzing Shifting Alliances, China’s Influence, and the Strain on Diplomacy

India’s Geopolitical Challenges: A Closer Look

Friends, India Out campaign going on in Maldives, increasing anti-India sentiment in Bangladesh, Nepal, India’s border issues and Bhutan’s growing attachment to China. It does not seem that India’s neighbors are seen turning against it.

Shift in Alliances Under PM Modi’s Leadership

On one hand, under the leadership of PM Modi, India has earned a handful of new friends in the last several years, while one fact is that the storm of rebellion has reached our doorstep. The nations which were once ready to hold India’s finger and become advanced are now ready to help us on the strength of China.

Questioning India’s Political Chess Moves

They are showing their eyes, that is, till yesterday India may have been their elder brother but now China is becoming their father. Now in such a situation the question arises that brother, where is India weakening in the chess of politics? What is the alliance between Pakistan and China? Maldives, which was already less, has also joined it.

Assessment of India’s Foreign Policy

Is India’s foreign policy now rusted or is our country falling into China’s trap? Why is India’s foreign policy failing? Now you can change your friends, but whenever there is talk of geopolitics, not neighbours, these lines of Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji are definitely mentioned.

India’s Neighbor-First Policy

Because following these policies, India has always been working on Neighbor First Policy, be it the year 1947 or today’s 2024 India. India’s stand has been straight and clear that it will always give first priority to its neighboring countries and will do whatever it can to improve relations with them.

Impact on Regional Dynamics

The result of this is that since independence, India has seen a lot of people coming to its neighboring countries. India has made its contribution in solving every obstacle, be it the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 or the military coup of Maldives. However, India has made every effort to strengthen relations with China and Pakistan, but both are traitor nations.

China’s Rising Influence in the Region

India never got along, and now our other neighboring countries are also joining their group. Now call it their increasing distance from India or China’s increasing investment in their countries, but the effect of this is that Maldives, Nepal, and Myanmar like even small countries are now rising on the strength of China.

Bitterness in Relations with Canada

The situation is such that the increasing bitterness between India and Canada is also changing the picture of friends and enemies on the world map. On one hand, we can say that India’s enemies are increasing, but if we start with Nepal, then India’s friendship with this country has been centuries old, not only geographically but also culturally, religiously, and socially, we are connected to us, then how did the relations deteriorate.

Nepal’s Diplomatic Shift

Actually, Nepal has a complaint that when the Nepali Constitution came into existence in September 2015, the Nepali Constitution was not welcomed by India in the way it was expected. Apart from this, in 2015 itself, the Madhesi people of Nepal had protested against the Constitution of Nepal, then India Nepal The border was stalled for several days.

Impact on India-Nepal Relations

As a result, Nepal accused India of blockade on some of its important border posts, which was rejected outright by India. Then in the year 2016, Nepali Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli also visited India. And wished for better relations with India.

Golden Phase of Nepal-China Relations

During this period, both the countries also agreed on nine agreements, but all this came to naught when Nepal’s closeness with China started increasing. Then after the political upheaval in Nepal, there was a change of power, and finally, KP Sharma Oli again became the Prime Minister.

China’s Growing Influence in Nepal

After this, the golden phase of Nepal-China relations started because after this, there were agreements on 14 issues between the two countries. The China Tibet Rail Link Agreement was the most special to promote the raid, but where the relationship between these two got stronger.

Double Blow to India

At the same time, India got a double blow when Nepal agreed to participate in the military exercise named Sagar Math Friendship with China, whereas on the contrary, it had refused to participate in military exercises with India. Now it has become clear that even today India’s friend has started rising on the strength of China, brother, now should it be called Chinese magic or when the time came for Nepal’s diplomatic move, it got close to China.

China’s Diplomatic Game in South Asia

By the way, this diplomatic game of China is not limited to Nepal only, but it has tried to play the same trick in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Maldives too. In Maldives, China even got 100 percent success. Now we are saying this because in recent times events show how the new Moldavia government has fallen into the lap of China.

Maldives’ Alignment with China

While earlier India had very close relations with Maldives, the new Prime Minister Mohicchu came to power with the slogan of India Out. He is very strict on his policies regarding China. It was clear that the one-sided Chinese influence on Maldives is now clearly visible.

Strained Relations with Maldives

After coming to power, while till now all the Maldivian Prime Ministers have visited India first, Mohicchu became the first Prime Minister who chose China instead of India and made his first visit to India, Turkey, and after that, he went to China and made dozens of agreements.

Impact on India-Maldives Relations

The situation is that brother he has not yet come to India; on the contrary, his party leaders have said such derogatory things about Modi ji that now the relations between India and Maldives are at their lowest. They are on point; now on one side, Indians are raising slogans of boycott moulds, on the other side instead of solving it, Mohicchu is not desisting from saying that Maldives needs Chinese tourists, India does not have the license to intimidate them, apart from this Maldives overall.

China’s Advantage in the Dispute

It can be said that China is definitely getting the benefit of this dispute. The more Maldives is moving away from India, the more China is trying to get closer to it. So that it can strengthen its hold in the Indian Ocean, now it has already used the same trick through Sri Lanka and now it is the turn of Maldives.

Understanding the Strategic Dilemma of Maldives

Now see, Maldives itself can understand this and it knows that its friendship with China. The situation may be the same as that of Sri Lanka today, but the Maldives government is not able to see anything in front of China’s heavy investment and money.

Balancing Economic Interests and Strategic Concerns

It is also not the case that a large number of tourists coming to Maldives are from India. And upsetting him can have a deep impact on the economy of Maldives, but he also knows that due to its strategic interest, India cannot completely ignore Maldives.

India’s Concerns in Bangladesh

Apart from Maldives and Nepal, India also has some concerns in Bangladesh regarding its foreign policy. The Prime Minister of this country, Sheikh Hasina, may have a special affection towards India, but we should not forget that the people here are very anti-India towards Indians, yes, they not only hate Indians but also

Anti-India Sentiment in Bangladesh

Their anti-stand against India is clearly visible even in a fun game like cricket. In fact, being a majority Muslim country, the public there dislikes the current BJP government a lot and we got a glimpse of this in the year 2021 also.

Challenges in India-Bangladesh Relations

Yes, it is true that on the contrary, Sheikh Hasina has shown a very friendly attitude towards the Modi government till now, and recently Sheikh Hasina government has once again returned to Bangladesh, and she has become the Prime Minister for the sixth time. Whereas the BNP party sitting in opposition to them is vigorously running the India Out campaign there.

Potential Shift in Bangladesh’s Position

And the surprising thing is that they are also getting the support of the general public. In such a situation, if not today then tomorrow their party will come to power. Brother, if it comes then it will be difficult to maintain India’s diplomatic relations with Bangladesh, that is, it is not possible for India to keep Bangladesh on its side in the Langar Run, in such a situation, China will make every effort to take advantage of this and maintain its hold on the North East.

China’s Influence in Bhutan and Myanmar

Will strengthen India so that it can weaken India on Doklam and Asai China. Now friends, if you want to know the real reason for the anti-India sentiment of Bangladesh, then we have already made a video on it. You can enjoy this content by clicking on this button. Now you can pick it up in the video.

China’s Growing Presence in Bhutan

Well, if we move ahead, China is trying to strengthen its hold in Bhutan and even Myanmar is not untouched by this trap. In fact, China knows that by investing crores of rupees, it can expand its influence in both the countries. Can spread its foothold and streamline India’s foreign policy and somewhere it is succeeding in doing so because the relations between Myanmar and China have been like a roller coaster ride, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

India’s Challenges in Myanmar

But one thing has to be accepted brother that there is a lot of trade and investment between the two countries. Myanmar has always been in favor of China more than India and hence it may take time for India to strengthen its hold here. Finally, as far as Pakistan is concerned. Relations with India’s western neighbor Pakistan are bad not only today but since the time of independence, although India has tried many times to resolve them.

Persistent Issues with Pakistan

But the issue between the two countries is not only about the border but also about terrorism difference. Off idol ji and difference of religion is also a big issue, that is why its impact is visible everywhere from politics to sports and the film industry. Recently, when the Ram temple was constructed in India and the consecration of the temple took place, its criticism also came from Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Stance on India’s Developments

Have openly condemned the construction of Ram temple and Pakistan Foreign Ministry even issued a statement that we condemn the inauguration of Ram temple in Ayodhya. This temple has been built by demolishing the Babri Masjid. The statement said that the demolished mosque. The temple built on the place of Ram will remain like a stain on the face of Indian democracy in the times to come.

India-Pakistan Relations and Religious Differences

The growing Hindutva ideology in India is a big threat to the religious nature and regional peace. Now by doing this, India is trying to sideline the Muslims and the Ram temple. But they regret the Supreme Court’s decision. It is amazing that this is being said by a country that has not been able to secure the rights of Hindus in its own country.

China-Pakistan Nexus Against India

The situation is such that in the last so many years, atrocities on Hindus have only increased in Pakistan, and the government is It has failed to do anything but this country never lags behind in taunting the other country. See brother, Pakistan, along with China, maintains its enmity with India with full vigor.

India’s Vigilance on the Western Border

In fact, the connivance of both of them is such that brother India One has to be cautious about them and keep a strict vigil on the border so that they cannot show any of their misdeeds. Overall, it can be said that today India is surrounded by such neighbors from all sides where its diplomatic ties are weakening.

China’s Dual Role in Trade and Politics

Where it only needed to escape from Pakistan, now Bangladesh in the East, Nepal in the North, and China in the South are teaching Maldives. In today’s date, the bigger enemy for India than Pakistan is China, which keeps an eagle’s eye on every activity of India. On one hand, it shows that it has a figure of 36 from India, and on the other hand, for Fred, India is still the biggest market for China.

India’s Vulnerability Due to Trade Dependency

In fact, at present there are 174 Chinese companies in India, and there are many companies whose directors are Chinese. Although there is tension between the two countries at the national level, but the trade section shows how India’s dependence on China and its own enemy for imports can be fatal for India in the long run.

Historical Lessons and Future Preparations

Now we are saying this because China India’s history has been one of deception. From the wording of 1962 till now, this country has only been able to inflict daggers on our country. Hence India’s fear is that in the coming years the situation on both sides may go out of control due to border issues and its solution is This is why India should correct its foreign policy because leave aside its neighbor, even Canada is now becoming a problem for our country.

Strained Relations with Canada

In fact, in the last one year, relations between India and Canada have reached a very bad state. Prime Minister of Canada on the issue of Khalistan. Justin Trudeau has already washed his face and the allegation of murder of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nichar has died among the Indian government. On top of that, recently, in a blow to Indian students, Canada has also taken a big decision that they will not allow them to travel on a student visa.

Challenges in India-Canada Relations

Will keep the limit time of 2 years. Actually, Canada has also been hiding the fact that brother India has always been trying to interfere in its internal affairs by talking about vandalism in Hindu temples. After the recent G-20 held in India, PM Modi There was a heated conversation between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which had worsened the matter.

Future Diplomatic Endeavors for India

In such a situation, if these relations are not resolved then one more name will be added to the number of enemies of India and the demand for Khalistan will become more intense there. However, as of today India has also acquired some new countries and some countries of Europe and Africa are seen standing with India, but it should not be avoided that India needs to work hard on improving relations with its neighbors.

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