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10 Dangerous Tribes of the World: Unveiling the Enigmatic Cultures and Traditions

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10 dangerous tribes of the world


Friends, even today there are many such tribes in the world who do not like to be connected with our world. These tribes prefer not to have contact with the outside world and live like primitive humans, who have their own customs and traditions like any other. Spitting on top is their way of giving blessings. Most of these people prefer to live either in forests or in their settled places. Such tribes of the world are found in many countries like Africa, India etc. Friends, now let’s talk about the 10 most dangerous tribes of the world.

10. Asar Mood Man Tribe

Asar Mood Man Friends, these Tribe are one of the most dangerous looking Tribe in the world who live in the forested areas of Papua New Guinea. Actually friends, whenever these Tribe go out on a hunt or go on a war, They wrap their entire body and face with mud and paint their entire body with white color. Not only this, friends, they put bamboo on their fingers to make them longer and wrap mud masks on their face. People think that by doing this their enemies will get scared and friends, this also happens, no matter how dangerous the army of the world is, seeing their face and body like this gives goosebumps to anyone.

9. Shawni People

Number nine Shawni People Friends, now we The tribal community about which we are going to talk is also from America, but nowadays these people live away from America in the areas of Pennsylvania. Friends, you will be surprised to know that these tribal people have very dangerous ways of fighting. They happen because when the British tried to grab the land of these tribal people, they frightened the British soldiers very badly. Later, these people also fought with the American people when some rich people of America wanted to take over their land. They wanted to modernize it by killing, but friends, the sad thing is that this community is gradually dying out, it is limited to only a few areas of America.

8. Chimbu Skeleton Tribe

Number eight Chimbu Skeleton Tribe: Friends, Chimbu is one of the most dangerous tribes in the world. People living in this community live in Chimbu area of ​​Papua New Guinea. They paint their body with the help of soil and ash in such a way that their body is not that of a human being but a walking skeleton. Actually, friends, they do this because So that they can scare their enemies, these people still live their lives in a traditional way, do farming and animal husbandry. Friends, these tribals have been living their lives in this area of ​​Papua New Guinea for the last 400 years.

7. Masai Tribe

Number seven Masai Tribe. Friends, the Masai tribe of Africa is still living its life without modern resources after thousands of years to keep its unique culture alive. The Masai tribe is known as shepherds and warriors. This tribe lives in the wild desert areas of Tanzania and Kenya. In Kenya and Tanzania, their number is around 10 lakh. Friends, in this tribe, whenever a girl gets married, she is spit on at the time of farewell so that the blessings of the boy’s family always remain on her and she remains happy. In order to move forward in life, the people of the Masai tribe neither bury nor burn the body after someone’s death, rather the body is left in the open. They believe that burying the body in the ground spoils the land. From milk and meat, they also use the blood of animals on some special occasions. At the time of delivery, their families drink the blood of live animals. They believe that the blood of animals strengthens the immune system. These people try to reduce drug addiction. Friends, these people drink the blood of animals in two ways. In the first way, some amount of blood is collected by making a hole in the neck of the animal with an arrow. In the second way, by cutting the neck of the animal, the blood is drunk directly by placing it on the mouth.

6. Awa Tribe

Number six is Awa Tribe. Friends, when it comes to the most dangerous tribe of Ajan Rain Forest, the first name that comes in it is Awa Tribe. The people of this tribe have a good amount of land to live and in this tribe there are more than 400 people. More people live there but friends, the biggest problem is that there are more than 100 of these people who do not like to contact the outside world at all and these people are also very dangerous but friends, the lands where these people live are very dangerous. Iron has been found in large quantities, which the government wants to extract by digging, and due to this, trees are being continuously cut here and the people of the Awa tribe living here are being driven away.

5. Cabo Tribe

Friends, the number five Cabo tribe resides in the Western Amazon Basin. This tribe mainly belongs to Brazil. This tribe seems to be ready to have contact with the outside world. Its population is not like other tribes because only 150 to 180 people are left in it. Their diet includes wild animals and fruits. However, it The tribe also has some knowledge of agriculture but in today’s time the tribe has divided into two parts, one group is those who want to live their life according to their old ways and on the other hand there is a group which wants to make contact with outsiders. Wants and takes help from them, also infanticide is prevalent in this tribe but this tribe does not have any special customs or traditions.

4. Korowai Tribe

Number four is Korowai Tribe. Friends, this tribe is also called Kolu Fo. This tribe is in South Eastern Indonesia. Lives in West Papua. The population of this tribe, discovered in 1974, is around 3000. They live by building houses on trees. This tribe earns its living by hunting and with the help of surrounding natural resources. This tribe also lives in dense forests. Friends, the government of amazon2 has declared it completely banned to establish any kind of relation with this tribe. These efforts made by the government have kept this tribe safe from the people of the outside world. Because the immune system of the people of this tribe is not ready to bear these diseases, this tribe makes its living by hunting and also builds its houses or huts from the leaves of trees.

2. Sentinel Tribe

Number Two Sentinel Tribe Friends, now we are going to tell you about a tribal community which is the only tribe in the world which is cut off from the entire world, i.e. about which we do not know anything. It resides in the Andaman Islands of India. The fact that the tribe is very dangerous can be gauged from the fact that we do not have any information related to the lifestyle, food, customs etc. of the people of this tribe. Whoever went near Sentinel Island was given death sentence by the people of this tribe. The Indian government has also banned it. This tribe has completely rejected modern civilization. The people there completely live their life on wild hunting

, fruits etc. This tribe uses arrows, stones and fire to defend themselves. It is estimated that this tribe has been living here for about 600 years. Friends, even during the British rule, this place could not be captured due to this reason. The amazing thing is that even after so many restrictions, a human being. He secretly went to this island to convert them to Christianity, but friends, the good thing is that after 15 days the Indian Navy found the dead body of this person.

1. Mursi Tribe

The number one Mursi tribe. Friends, let’s talk now. This tribe, found near the Sudan border and South Ethiopia, is considered to be the most dangerous tribe in the world. They do not like to have contact with the outside world and if we interfere in their world, then death is certain. This tribe is a gun. Or she is fond of keeping other weapons, for which she fulfills her hobby by selling wild animals. To make themselves stronger and for better health, these people like to drink cow’s blood. They believe that it gives them strength and also One can live with more respect in the tribes. Here women wear wooden or clay discs in the lower part of the lips. Girls of 15 years of age get the lower part of the lips cut. Some of these are part of their customs. So, there are some efforts made by them regarding women’s safety. Friends, they believe that by doing this, girls start looking ugly, which increases their safety.

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